Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Continuing Forward

For those wonder who (or what)  is Cyborg Alpha.  Well,
Cyborg Alpha is a cybernetic entity (in development)  or CE(id). Previous  attempts to blog, on a regular basis.  have all failed. 

This attempt will include posts from our two #instagram accouts.  Our personal account ( @cyborg_alpha) and our #playground & #teahouse ( @KawaiiTeaHouse )  .

This blog will attempt to bring our ( #cyborgalpha )  activities & existence on the internet to a single focus.  As well,  we will also be introducing a new #larpg. 

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

More than just gaming

More than just gaming. Cognative capacity & fatigue affect game play.

Pic Post Test

embedded pic test post